Q. Is it expensive to do Tetsudo?
A. No, Tetsudo only charges its members a minimum amount to cover needs such as hire of training venues, student insurance etc. Tetsudo is a non-profit making organisation, and no Tetsudo instructors earn from teaching Tetsudo. All teaching, promotion, demonstrations and the web site is done by volunteer work within the Tetsudo community.

Q. What do I need to wear?
A. Any comfortable training clothes such as tracksuit is fine. Students are encouraged after a little while to purchase a Tetsudo training suit or  gi . This can be obtained via the Club Instructor.

Q. Tetsudo is a fairly new martial art, how does it compare to some of the longer established styles?
A. Tetsudo was devised from concepts that have been around for over two thousand years. Tetsudo also embraces modern scientific training methods, and remains up-to-date in fitness training, conditioning and stretching. Master Tetsura used his extensive background in many martial and non-martial art forms to create a new system. containing many of the older martial concepts as well as some of his own personal philosophies.

Q. Is Tetsudo effective?
A. Tetsudo is not a theoretical martial art. All the knowledge learned within Tetsudo is of practical use. Skills and knowledge that is not readily accessible to a practitioner when needed might as well not be learned in the first place!

There are NO REDUNDANT lessons in Tetsudo.

Q. Does Tetsudo differ from other martial arts?
A. Martial arts all differ in various ways, so it is difficult to catogarise them all into the phrase  other martial arts , but broadly speaking, Tetsudo focuses on teaching “concepts” rather than specific ways of moving or dealing with situations. Tetsudo has a structured teaching foundation, but practitioners are free to express themselves in their own unique ways. No two Tetsudo practitioner freestyle or perform Kedh in exactly the same manner. The important thing is that practitioners adhere strictly to the concepts that they have been taught.

Q. How does compromised freestyle differ from the traditional sparring methods?
A. Compromised freestyle is a controlled form of sparring that is practiced by two consenting partners, pitched at a level that they both agree on. It can be practiced fast or slow, compromised or with a slight competitive edge, but it should always be practiced in a controlled and safe manner. Within the average Tetsudo session compromised freestyle may be practiced from 3 to 8 times. It is due to this high amount of freestyle/sparring practiced during sessions that Tetsudo maintains a very high standard in sparring skills.

Q. Why do students learn to break objects in Tetsudo?
A. Breaking techniques teach a student to employ their whole bodies in an efficient and focused way.

Q. Is breaking safe?
A. Breaking is only performed occasionally in a class, and is done so under strict supervision by an instructor. Students are taught how to condition and prepare for strikes properly. The most important thing about breaking is not necessarily the object breaking but the student is not injured from it! Breaking is safe when proper training and preparation has been done before hand